How to get the most from your Recruiting Agency

Experienced Sales Recruiters Kelly Tannenholz and Anna Murphy share 4 ways to get the attention of your Recruiting Agency… and also to get their best talent.

Attracting your ideal candidate is a challenge for every business, not just yours. -And the challenges we are facing in 2022 isn’t making things any easier. Recruiting agencies offer short-term and long-term hiring assistance for companies struggling to find the right employees, but hiring an agency is only the first step. Partnering with them correctly is even more important.

 1.     Demonstrate your positivity

Your recruiter is watching your every step; watching how you lead, how you interact with them, how you deal with adversity, and how you make candidates feel. Recruiters will naturally prioritize leaders who can attract talent through a series of positive interview experiences. If you feel like giving your candidate a “stress test” to see how they react, you might end up spooking both the candidate AND the recruiter.

2.     Feedback and Collaboration

The best partnerships are…. partnerships. Utilize your recruiting agency as an ally to identify your “Must Have” qualifications versus your “Nice to Have” skills. Strong communication and open collaboration will reduce your time to hire and increase your chances of hiring a great employee. Don’t like a candidate they sent? No problem! Give your recruiter the feedback to hone in on your likes and dislikes - especially post-interview.

 3.     Have a clearly defined interview process

Consistency is KEY. Your top candidate is also being courted by other employers, so show your candidates that you run a right ship. Define your interview process and communicate each step to everyone involved. Each interviewer will be on the same page and have clear expectations around the interview timeline.

 4.     Keep the process moving

“Time kills all deals.” It’s true for recruiting as well as sales. It’s your responsibility to keep the momentum & excitement. Keeping a candidate “warm” gets more difficult by the day, so keep a timely pace when moving candidates through the interviewing process.

Hiring is a challenge, but there are ways to remove roadblocks during the interview process. For assistance on your Sales or Marketing hires, contact to partner with SalesFirst Recruiting on your open position.


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