Give your candidates a positive interview experience in 5 thoughtful steps.

The economy might be slowing down, but it’s not getting any easier to find the right candidate.

Adam Morris, CEO of SalesFirst Recruiting, breaks down 5 ways to give your candidate a positive interview experience.


Step 1) Give the candidate a Q&A session where THEY ask the questions FIRST.

Not only will your candidates appreciate the opportunity to ask the questions that are important to them right away, but it also gives you the opportunity to see how they conduct themselves while running a meeting on their own. Were they well-prepared? Were their questions professional, intelligent, and tactful? After your candidate has asked all their questions, thank them and move on to step 2.


Step 2) Explain the full process to your candidate before the first interview ends.

Simple and often overlooked, the mere act of explaining the interview process to your candidates can eliminate confusion, miscommunication, and even help your candidate hold off other employers while interviewing with you.  At SalesFirst Recruiting, we’ve had a front row seat to just about everything can go wrong in an interview process, and this one is too easy and useful to skip.


Step 3) Have a readily available document or website that illustrates compensation, benefits, perks, and career pathing.

Some candidates just want a good job. Some want a great career. The right candidates want the RIGHT career that fits their LIFE.

Give them a document or point them to your website where all this information is laid bare. Put some time into it. Get your leaders involved, and ask your marketing team for help too. Here’s ours:


Step 4) Add “transparency” steps.

This stage of the process is where you invite your candidate to reach out to others in the company and collect their opinions in private. Be ready; not everything they learn from your team will be perfect, and that’s OK. Few candidates will hold you to the high bar of perfection. All companies are a work-in-progress, so show your candidates you are confident, and encourage your existing team to be forthright.


Step 5) Make a verbal offer, then send the written offer with a clear deadline.

Once you’ve chosen your candidate, call the candidate and let them know you want them to join the team. Ask them if they intend to accept, and when you get a yes move RAPIDLY to send the written offer. Here comes the part that sometimes scares our clients. The offer MUST have a deadline, and you deserve nothing but the same courtesy from your candidate that you gave to them: full unbridled transparency. 3 days is perfect. And after the interview experience you just delivered, your deadline will be respected.


Jobseekers can easily avoid these 6 mistakes.