How Would Sales Professionals Survive in a Zombie Apocalypse?

We’ve seen it in the movies and TV shows, but what would happen if the zombie apocalypse actually arrives? We know our favorite hero will lose every friend they make and then end up saving the world. But what about the rest of us? And In particular—how would sales professionals do in such a situation?

Our very favorite people on earth; salespeople, are used to dealing with difficult situations. After all, they often face rejection after rejection while trying to close deals and make their numbers. So, it stands to reason that they’d have some advantages when it comes to surviving the zombie apocalypse. Right? Here are three reasons why sales professionals might do better than average in a zombie-infested world.

Team Approach

Things change rapidly in an apocalypse, and salespeople have adapted quickly to new technologies and strategies throughout history. Furthermore, salespeople know they need support to close those big deals. Think Sales Engineers, Implementation Teams, Account Manager introductions, etc. So, when faced with hordes of zombies ravaging the earth, you can bet those champions of outreach would find creative ways to survive. They may not all be able to fight off zombies with machetes and baseball bats, but they’ll certainly find ways to join various well-defended factions. I know the SalesFirst Faction would open its doors to a top notch Sales Rep needing a home. (provided your resume is strong and you bring documented proof of success)


One of the traits that great salespeople possess- the ability to keep going despite setbacks and rejections. This trait would come in pretty handy during a zombie apocalypse as there will likely be one setback after another. Remember when your product team PROMISED you the new feature would be ready by Q1 to finally sell to Amazon? Of course you remember. Because it didn't happen, and Amazon was disappointed. Not Mad. Just disappointed. Well, we believe running into a wall of zombies on your way to fetch supplies is very similar. You gather the facts. You think quickly on your feet. You make a plan. You execute. It’s what we do.


Our kin is resourceful— we have the ability to make do with limited resources. We've worked for that one company that thought a CRM was just a fad that would pass. And we've also been told that all systems are down but quota remains. Fairly standard protocol when you choose this life. Clearly, this translates to finding new sources of food and water or finding new methods of transportation when cars are no longer an option.

No one knows for sure how any individual would fare during a zombie apocalypse. But if it did happen, chances are high that successful sales professionals would fare better than average due to their team approach, resilience, and resourcefulness. Who knows…maybe these qualities will come in handy even if there isn't an actual zombie outbreak! Either way, it's safe to say that sales pros have some serious survival skills up their sleeve when times get tough!

Adam Morris is the CEO of SalesFirst Recruiting and had too much fun wasting his time writing this. Please visit to learn more about our products and services!


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